Changes to my Study Program

During my studies since last year I’ve been thinking in a bunch of stuffs that I would like to change of the programme. Firstly I would change the way how teachers test our progress of skill improvement. Is kind of stressful to know that if I don’t do it how they want it to be and as fast as I can, I would not pass. I can add that it’s really frustrating that when you don’t remember exactly every detail that they said, you instantly won’t be treated like you would like to be helped, instead of that they try to make you get more nervous until they just finish saying “You need to study more”, but sometimes they don’t teach on class all the techniques of the instruments that “we should know”. In the curriculum I would like to change the amount of subjects that we have to take. There are a lot that aren’t important at all and those are just more academic load. I’d probably remove them or mix them in just one or two subjects. It is not necessary to take them that much deeper as we are study...